Spicy Mediterranean Bagel
Ingredients 1tbsp Coconut Oil 5 Chestnut Mushrooms ½ Courgette 2 Spring Onions 2 sliced sundried tomatoes Handful of Spinach ¼ Cucumber batons Zims Tribe Medium Habanero Chili & Tomato Sauce 1x Bagel of your choice Mayonnaise – I used Hellman’s Vegan Mayonnaise...
Sourdough Bread by @littletownbrewing
Ingredients 500g/1lb 2oz strong unbleached white bread flour, plus extra for dusting 300g/10½oz sourdough starter Half Jar Zims Tribe Spicy OH Relish 2 tsp brown sugar 2 tsp sat Zims Rosemary & Thyme Oil for greasing Instructions Mix together the flour, sourdough...
Chickpea & Zims Tribe Chilli & Tomato Stew with Teff Fufu by @thelittlehouseofsoul
Ingredients 400g Chickpeas Baby Carrots Green Lentils Red Peppers Spring onions Spinach Teff Flour Zims Tribe Cumin Coriander Chili Oil Zims Tribe Habanero Chili & Tomato Hot Instructions Chop All Veg, Sautee baby carrots, green lentils, red peppers, spring onions...
Fresh Gluten Free Spicy Pasta by @glutenfreeiris
Ingredients Leggerolondon Tomato Conchiglie Zims Tribe Habanero Hot sauce Zims Tribe Smoked Garlic OilFreeFrom Italy Pepper pesto Olives Feta Parmesan Instructions Heat a pan of water Drizzle of Zims Tribe smoked garlic Oil Cook pasta till al dente Stir in Zims tribe...