Spicy Sourdough Sarnie By @my.gf.bakery
Ingredients Sourdough Bread Vegetarian Sausages Zims Tribe Chilli oil Zims Tribe Mild Sauce . Instructions Fry Veggie sausages in Zims Tribe Chilli oil Slices of Gluten Free Bread Lay with Butter Layer of Zims Tribe Sauce Layer of Sausages Drizzle more Zims Tribe...
Taco Guac
Ingredients 2 tablespoon Zims Smoked Garlic oil 1 Finely chopped red onion Pinch of salt 3 cloves Garlic, 1 tsp Coriander Half a punnet Cherry Tomatoes 1 whole Bell or Romano Red Pepper Half Jar Zims Spicy OH! Relish 1 tsp Ground Cumin...